C-CHANGE was awarded a $10 million Sustainable Agricultural Systems grant from the United States Department of Agriculture National Institute for Food and Agriculture. BEI associate director Lisa Schulte Moore is the project director for C-CHANGE. Learn more from the Iowa State news release
Schulte Moore Wins Entrepreneur Award
Lisa Schulte Moore, BEI associate director, is the winner of the 2023 College of Business innovationENTREPRENEUR Award from innovationIOWA. Schulte Moore won the honor through her work on developing a novel and strategic system called Science-Based Trials of Rowcrops Integrated with Prairie Strips using the integration of prairie strips into a landscape defined by row crops. Learn more
![[PHOTO]Chad Peterson with poster at tcbiomassplus2023](http://muzob.timminstechnologies.com/files/2023/10/tcbiomass_peterson_poster_20231009_130438_h.png)
Peterson Wins Second Place in Poster Competition
Chad Peterson, a Ph.D. student at Iowa State, earned second place in the poster competition at tcbiomassplus2023.
Educational Opportunity
Learn more about a Ph.D. program in biochar.
Postponed: Carbon Removal Forum
The Carbon Removal Forum is a campus-wide event to harness knowledge and capacity toward developing an Iowa State University program in agriculturally-based carbon removal that could contribute toward mitigating climate change. This event has been postponed until fall 2023. Check back here for the rescheduled date.

New Video Illustrates BEI’s Autothermal Pyrolysis Efforts
Learn how autothermal pyrolysis works and what the Bioeconomy Institute is doing to commercialize the technology to convert biomass into fuels and chemicals in this new video. View video